Thursday, August 21, 2008

With The New...

Well, first off, I should mention that when the new website is up (2-3 months? *crosses fingers*) this blog will become irrelevant.  Bu I won't delete the posts, they will all be moved to the new site.  Just thought you should know.

I got some more info from school today, and boy are they cracking down on the little things...  I'll try to enplane the stupid things in a segment I call...

*BaG's List Of Stupidity*
*School Rules*
  1. No Food In Class: Stupid, especially in the heat we get at the end of summer.  I predict at least 2 cases of heat stroke in the first 2 months.
  2. No cell phones on campus: Again, this is understandable, it's the requirements and punishment of the rule that make it stupid.  "No cell phones are allowed an campus for any reason at any time. Any cell phone found on a student's person will be confiscated until the Friday of that week and will only be returned to the parent/guardian of the child.  If the student is at or above the age of majority, the cell phone will be returned to the student."
  3. No electronic devices: Same as above, but covers all other devices such as Game Boy's, DS's, Mp3 player's, PSP's, anything like that... The punishment is still the same as the the above rule.
  4. Attendance Policy: I (again) understand that, as a student, I have to show up to school on time and be ready for class, but I have to take the city buss this year.  The buses in my area a notorious for being at least 5 minuets late, and they are supposed to get me to school 5 minuets before it starts.  With the "7 tardy's" rule, I'll fail my 1'st hour class every quarter, unless of course, I get on the bus before the last possible bus, but then I would be there before the doors are unlocked.
  5. (The best of them all) No Hats: I under stand that this rule is quite common in schools.  Granted it is to be expected if your school has a uniform policy, but this new school only states the the hats are "distracting to the other students".

There you have it, my first "List Of Stupidity"!  Everyone mentioned, give yourselves a big slap on the forehead, as you have been caught in the act of stupidness!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Wow, summer is over ladies and gentle men, and I'm almost happy...  Don't get me wrong, I love vacation, but, this summer just seemed to drag on without any thing important happening.

But I suppose I'm to partly to blame for that.  I just didn't motivate myself
 for anything at all, I didn't get a job, I didn't work out, no girlfriend, nothing but taking a trip to Ohio to see my dad and grandparents.  The best thing that happened to me this summer was my promotion to moderator at, and thats just sad.

So, what now?  I'm starting a year behind my classmates because I messed up the past few years, I'm supposed to graduate at the end of this year, but now I'm only a junior in high school.  I'm starting a new school this year because the school board decided to shut down my old one, and I don't know much about what is going on, someone told me that the credit requirements to graduate have done down, which would be a good thing for me, but I'm not going to get me hopes up again.

Ah, I suppose you don't really want to here about my personal life anymore, so I'll get to the good stuff!

I have started a new comic strip I call "Life... Or Something Like It".  It's random, and not the same kind of random you see in Defusion, no, this is just-a-little-half-a-thought-that-I-had-earlier-in-the-day kind of random.  And speaking of Defusion, I should have the season finale up in the next few weeks.  Sorry about the huge delay, but I'm having a hard time getting myself to work on the comics...  I also made a little flash the other day, but don't expect to see it on the site anytime soon, it's unfinished, and I'm very board with making it.

I suppose it all comes down to weather or not you're motivated to accomplish your goals and dreams.  Maybe I lost sight of my goals a while back, but I think things will be different here on out.  The Dark Lord is working on a new flash, I have a few sprite sheets to work on, and as soon as I get a job, the new site will be up and running.  Count on that!

Friday, August 1, 2008

A Review?

So I broke code with the title of this post, but I even surprised myself with this one. I decided to review a game, but remember, I'm not a professional game reviewer, so take it with a grain of salt.

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess – Nintendo Gamecube

Where to begin... THIS GAME IS FREAKIN' AWESOME! To date, it is the second best Zelda game, in my opinion of course, and it breaks the “Next Gen Gap” with its Gamecube version. The story it tried and true Zelda form, Hyrule is in danger, Zelda is kidnapped, and only a young man by the name of Link can save the kingdom. A bit of a tired plot, but once you get started, you won't even notice it.

The game starts with you, that is to say Link, working as a farm hand in a nice little village at the southern end of Hyrule. Soon, you get acquainted with your trusty steed, witch you can name this time around, and you meet the 3 children of the village, and Lilya, the mayors daughter and your childhood friend. After you get to know the rest of the village, you are suddenly attacked by a gang of monsters lead by King Bulbin, who knocks you out and kidnaps the children, and Lilya. You are soon draged into the Twilight Realm and transform into a wolf. You awake inside of a prison and meet Minda, a smart mouthed little imp who becomes you partner for the rest of the game. Blah, blah, blah. You can figure out the rest of the story from there.

What, you want a run-down of the different aspects of the game? Well, fine, have your silly numbers!

Graphics: 10/10

The graphics in this game make me wounder why they stopped making games on the Gamecube.

Sound: 9.5/10

The lack of voice overs still makes me angry, its been what, 25 years and link hasn't said a single word? But the dynamic music system is a true saving grace, theres nothing like a quick change in music to let you know how hard your kicking a bosses ass.

Controls: 7/10

Have you played Ocarina of Time or Wind Waker? You know the controls.

Entertainment: 9/10

Same story, new coat of paint. But the Zelda story line is one of the stories that never get old.

Replay Value: Medium

Once you've beaten the game, theres not much left to see.

Over All: 9/10

This game is very good. I highly recommend it to any jaded Zelda fan or to any new comers to the series.

So yeah, there you go.