Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Wow, summer is over ladies and gentle men, and I'm almost happy...  Don't get me wrong, I love vacation, but, this summer just seemed to drag on without any thing important happening.

But I suppose I'm to partly to blame for that.  I just didn't motivate myself
 for anything at all, I didn't get a job, I didn't work out, no girlfriend, nothing but taking a trip to Ohio to see my dad and grandparents.  The best thing that happened to me this summer was my promotion to moderator at, and thats just sad.

So, what now?  I'm starting a year behind my classmates because I messed up the past few years, I'm supposed to graduate at the end of this year, but now I'm only a junior in high school.  I'm starting a new school this year because the school board decided to shut down my old one, and I don't know much about what is going on, someone told me that the credit requirements to graduate have done down, which would be a good thing for me, but I'm not going to get me hopes up again.

Ah, I suppose you don't really want to here about my personal life anymore, so I'll get to the good stuff!

I have started a new comic strip I call "Life... Or Something Like It".  It's random, and not the same kind of random you see in Defusion, no, this is just-a-little-half-a-thought-that-I-had-earlier-in-the-day kind of random.  And speaking of Defusion, I should have the season finale up in the next few weeks.  Sorry about the huge delay, but I'm having a hard time getting myself to work on the comics...  I also made a little flash the other day, but don't expect to see it on the site anytime soon, it's unfinished, and I'm very board with making it.

I suppose it all comes down to weather or not you're motivated to accomplish your goals and dreams.  Maybe I lost sight of my goals a while back, but I think things will be different here on out.  The Dark Lord is working on a new flash, I have a few sprite sheets to work on, and as soon as I get a job, the new site will be up and running.  Count on that!

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