Monday, July 6, 2009

Still In Town

My my... it's been a long time seince I posetd a blog entry... A lot has happened. Biggest of all was my 18th birthday.

But, moving along from that, I said some time ago that this would be a developer's journal, and I broke that rule to, so now I'm going to keep it as a developer's journal and keep you posted on the going-ons of BAA Productions.

First and foremost, I've been pretty active on deviantART and I have found that it is a good place to keep a small community, My personal dA is, but I will be creating a BAA Productions account soon. The BAA Productions account wil be a group, so any body interested in us can keep tabs on us. I will be doing a simeler thing on Facebook.

Now that thats out of the way, I'm going to talk about the Youtube profile. The BAA Productions profile is currently my own, but that may be changing. I've been thinking of making a separate account for the group, but I need people who wish to join. Feel free to send any Emails to with the tagline "BAA PRODUCTIONS REQUEST" and be sure to include any type of talent you would be wiling to provide for eather the dA account, or the Youtube account.

Moving along, I never announced any thing about the comic I'm now working on here, so here is a link to my dA post about it.

I won't go too far into it right now, becuase this is a pretty long blog post already, I'll just finsh up by saying...

Keep on rockin'... I know I am once again!

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