Wednesday, July 30, 2008

When Things Change...

Not much to talk about lately, I guess when you don't you don't do much, you ether run out of ideas, or you lose interest.  I have started two new sprite sheets, one is actually a revamp of my old InuYasha sprite I made last year.

It's not bad, I'm still working out the finer details, the rage form will soon not have a shirt and a different posture.  I'm not sure how I'm going to do his sword, but I'll keep working on it.
Timber here is being made for the Cougar Sprite League (CSL).  His head is completely custom and his body is edited from some old SNK sprites.  I'm making him as a villain for TonyComix.

BAA Productions is not doing to well, it turns out that making TDL my partner couldn't help that...  We are now affiliated with Lol Industries who run their site off of BlogSpot.  Maybe this can give BAA Productions the kick it needs to get started.

I've been reading a lot lately.  I got my hand on a HUGE collection of manga and I haven't been able to pull myself away from them for long.  I also picked up World of KungFu, which is a very high quality rip-off of World of Warcraft.  The biggest plus is that it's free, so I can play it without worry.

I'm really not sure what else to say.  Things are just slow, I guess.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Ever make a big decision and live to regret it?  Everyone has at some point in time, it's a given in life.  I may have jumped the gun on such a decision...  BAA Productions is now run by two people, myself, ans a young man calling himself The Dark Lord.

TDL is a nice enough guy, he's great with flash, and a good planer!  But, I'm having a few regrets
with shearing the company that I started.  I don't have a problem with TDL, no, thats not the case, really, I think I'm just afraid of losing what I worked so hard on for so long on...

Am I being selfish?  Is this healthy for me?  For BAA Productions?  I don't know, and I'm not sure I want to find out...  It would rip my heart out to see my pride and joy come down around my ears.  But I don't see TDL causing that at the same time.

I want to blame him, I stress want, but he hasn't done anything and now I feel guilty.  Bringing him in can only help BAA Productions, and thats what I want to see.  But, why do I still feel afraid?  I can't shake this feeling of remorse...  I guess, only the future can tell me if my fears are just or not...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Extention of Dreams...

Why do I do this?  What is my goal?  I ask myself those questions all the time.  I mean, its not like I have a bunch of people who constantly check my site for updates.  Half the time, making comics and working on new projects cuts into my real life, just the other day, I wanted to walk the dogs with my mom, but I couldn't because I had a deadline I set  for my new sprites.  So I made up a bogus excuse tho not go with her.  I love walking the pups, its relaxing, and it gets me out of the house.  I felt bad for letting her down, but I put my work first...

Hell, I still feel bad about it.  Moments like that make me second guess what I do with my life, make me feel like what I'm doing doesn't mean anything.  But, as always, I push the thoughts out of my head and the sprites turned out better than I could have ever imagined.

You know, maybe its like my step-father said, maybe its self-gratification.  But, is that such a bad thing?  Think about the repercussion the my sprites could have in the community I'm a part of.  I submitted them to the Cougar Sprite League, a sprite tournament ran by a couple of my friends, somebody on the site could see those sprites and think, "He would be perfect for that game and/or comic I'm making!"  That in turn leads to a creative mind being able to express it self through my creation.

So, I'll ask myself again, why do I allow myself to continue working on something so time consuming?  I do it because I love it, I do it because I have friends who appreciate my work, I do it for me.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Something A Little Different...

This is a blog, not what you see at the BAA Productions main site, but my blog. Think about it as a developer's journal / personal log. Where as the Archive on the site keeps track of updates, this will keep track of me.

I'm not used to this kind of writing, in fact, it's hard for me to express myself in a true way, such as blogging. I'll just let the words flow out and prey that it makes sense to all of you. I hope this will give you some insight into my mind, how it works, and how I come up with ideas.

This is me, not as a creator, not as a friend, but as a person who lives life the way he wants. No censoring, no holding back.